How to insert a table of contents in Word

A table of contents is an essential element of your proposal. All long documents must have a table of contents. It is placed in the front matter of the paper, before that crucial section break that separates the front matter from the body of the paper. We (Microsoft Word and I) fondly call it the TOC.

Let me say right now, never type a TOC! Let Word do the work for you. Seriously! I’m not joking. I don’t care what your institutional guidelines say. You can break the links later and format it to meet the institutional standard, but first, let Word do the heavy lifting. Once you’ve set all your headings and subheadings with Word styles, it only takes a few seconds to generate the TOC. If you try to type it, it will be rife with errors as you continue to work on your paper. We are only human, after all, and Word is, well, Word is Word.

Before you insert a TOC, though, you must do one very important thing: set the Word styles for your headings and subheadings.

Step 1: Apply Word styles

Your TOC is based on Word styles. Word styles are rich, complex … and mysterious, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore them. We need Word styles. You need them, I need them, all academic writers need them. If you can bring yourself to learn the basics of Word styles, then maybe you won’t have to fork over $500 to get your dissertation formatted by a professional editor like me. I know learning Word styles doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, but it might not be as bad as you fear.

In the upper right corner of your Word window, in the STYLES command group, look for a dinky barely visible arrow ( Figure 1). Click it.

Figure 1. Open Word’s Style task pane.

A task pane will open along the right side of your Word window. It might look similar to the one in Figure 2, although it might show more or fewer styles, depending on the number of styles in your document and how your task pane is configured.

Figure 2. Word’s Style task pane (yours may look different).

Some heading styles are “built-in” to Word, but you can modify them. Heading levels start with Heading 1 (the highest level in your TOC). I’m not sure how many heading levels you can have, but I guarantee, for a typical dissertation, you will probably need only four. Maybe three, depending on how your institution guidelines determine the heading levels.

To apply a heading style, click anywhere in a line of text (or select the text) and click the heading level you want in the Style task pane. If you see some but not all the heading levels you want, click the Options button in the lower right corner of the Styles task pane and choose “Show next heading when previous level is used.” Word will always show you one level higher than the last level you applied.

Figure 3 shows a sample page of heading levels.

Figure 3. A sample page of Word heading levels

After you have applied your heading levels (Heading 1, 2, 3, and so on), Word can generate an accurate TOC. Open the Navigation pane (Click “Find” or Control+F). The Search pane has three tabs: Navigation is the tab on the left. You should see an outline view of all your main headings and subheadings (usually levels 1 and 2; see Figure 4). This is a preview of your TOC!

Figure 4. The Navigation pane shows main heading levels

Now finally, you are ready to insert your Table of Contents!

Step 2: Insert the Table of Contents

Before you insert your Table of Contents, note this: Wherever your cursor is, that is where your Table of Contents will appear, so make sure you insert it on the right page.

Find the TABLE OF CONTENTS button over on the left side of the REFERENCES RIBBON (Figure 5). You can just click it, but for most dissertations, that won’t be good enough (incorrect formatting).

Figure 5. Inserting the TOC—step 1

Click the DROP-DOWN ARROW and choose INSERT TABLE OF CONTENTS (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Inserting the TOC—step 2

The Table of Contents dialog box appears. Unless you have special formatting requirements, leave everything checked (show page numbers, right-align page number, show tab leader dots, from template, show three levels, and use hyperlinks instead of page numbers). If you set the heading styles correctly, you won’t need to click the OPTIONS button. Instead, choose MODIFY (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Inserting the TOC—step 3

Figure 8 shows a cascade of dialog boxes. Don’t freak out. This is the process we use to set the formats for each TOC level, one at a time.

The box at the far right is the original box shown in Figure 7. When you click MODIFY, the box in the middle comes up. This is where you choose what level you want to modify, starting with TOC 1. Click MODIFY.

The box on the left should be familiar if you have ever formatted a paragraph in Word. This is the place where you modify styles—line spacing, alignment, paragraph spacing—all that good stuff.

Your institution will have specific line spacing guidelines. This is where you can set double-spacing or single-spacing with a set amount of paragraph spacing before or after. Follow your institution’s guidelines.

Figure 8. Inserting the TOC—step 4

Figure 9 shows a typical format for TOC level 1.

Figure 9. Inserting the TOC—step 5

Now you are ready to format TOC level 2. When you click OK, you are returned to the middle box from Figure 7. Choose TOC 2. Click MODIFY (Figure 10). Set the indent for the second level of your TOC. Many institutions require a half-inch indent for each level. Some only require a quarter inch. Follow your institution’s guidelines.

Figure 10. Inserting the TOC—step 6

Remember, wherever your cursor is, that is where your Table of Contents will appear, so make sure you insert it in the right place. If you aren’t happy with it, follow the steps from Step 1 (insert Table of Contents) and go through the process again. Word will ask you if you want to replace the existing TOC. Say yes, otherwise you’ll end up with two. Figure 11 shows a finished TOC, with nonprinting characters showing so you can see how Word automatically inserted leader dot tabs and right-aligned all the numbers.

Figure 11. The finished Table of Contents (with nonprinting characters showing)

If you are feeling confident with styles, to save some time, you can choose TOC 1, TOC 2, TOC 3, etc. (one at a time) in the Styles task pane, right click on the style, and choose MODIFY to modify the formatting of each level. Formatting changes are immediate.

To update your Table of Contents

Pagination happens. To update your TOC to reflect revisions to your headings and page numbers, click anywhere in your TOC and press F9 (or right-click, choose UPDATE FIELD). Update often, and don’t forget to update the TOC before you submit your paper.

To delete your Table of Contents

Select the entire TOC and press the DELETE button.


You can find more information about using Word to format your dissertation in my book.





The worst thing that can go wrong with your dissertation survey: People don’t respond

In these days of web-based survey tools, you’d think the survey process would be simple and foolproof. And free, too, don’t forget about free. It all happens through the magic of the Internet, after all. Is it really that easy? Not so fast. After you field your survey, you might see the responses barely trickling in. Receiving an inadequate number of responses is by far the worst thing that can go wrong with your dissertation survey.

Oh, no! People aren’t responding to my survey!

Here’s what happens:

  1. You draft a bunch of survey questions (or adapt an existing set of questions).
  2. You get IRB approval to recruit a sample of participants to take your survey.
  3. You prepare your survey (most likely a web-based survey, but you might use old-fashioned paper and pencil).
  4. You get a list of email addresses for potential respondents (or contact a gatekeeper who has access to a list of postal addresses).
  5. You send out your survey link (or mail out your paper surveys).
  6. You sit back and wait for responses to come flooding in.

You wait. And wait. And wait.

You might think this can’t possibly happen to you, but sadly, it could. One of my dissertator clients needed at least 150 respondents to be able to perform her planned data analyses. She received fewer than 30 responses. After multiple attempts to broaden her sampling frame, she eventually ran up against the end of her Ph.D. program timeline; she had no choice but to settle for a second Master’s degree. All that time, all that money, all those hopes… gone because she couldn’t motivate enough people to respond to her survey.

In case you are wondering, her sampling frame consisted of critical care nurses. She knew quite a few nurses personally. She counted on respondents to forward the survey link to colleagues (a “snowball” recruitment strategy). It didn’t work. She offered a gift-card incentive: That didn’t work either. She expanded her sampling frame to include retired nurses. Still no success. She was out of time. If she had prepared a contingency plan earlier in her dissertation process, she might have been able to pivot and recruit enough respondents before her program ended.

What happens if no one responds?

If you get no responses to your survey, you won’t have any data to analyze, and that means your study is dead. No data means no study. It’s unlikely you will get zero responses. But it is quite possible—likely, even—that you will receive fewer responses than you need to do the data analyses you planned. From my experience as a dissertation editor, low survey response rates are quite common. Dissertators somehow assume that everyone who sees a link to their surveys will eagerly click to comply, as if they have nothing better to do with their time.

Why are people unwilling to respond?

I have learned to assume nobody cares about helping us with our surveys. To save yourself some heartache, I encourage you to resign yourself to this sad fact. Unless they have a specific bone to pick about the topic, or they know you and take pity on you, or they just love the research process, respondents will not be beating down your door to take your survey. People are busy. They care more about their own problems than they do about helping you achieve your dream of earning a Ph.D. I know, hard to believe, but it’s true.

Think about it. Do you remember the last time a researcher called you on the phone? Did you drop everything and say, “Yes, I’d be happy to help you with your research! Ask me anything!” Right. Maybe I’m the only one who does that. I’m a research junkie, I confess. I bet you get survey invitations in your email inbox from time to time. I’m sure you see the occasional popup pestering you to take a survey. How often do you take time to offer your opinions?

Sometimes people don’t respond for other reasons. They might not understand the survey questions and quit the survey in embarrassment or frustration. They might not have been screened properly at the beginning of the survey, and realized part way through they didn’t actually qualify for the study. The survey questions might be too personal or cause discomfort, leading to partially completed surveys and missing data. Boring questions, poorly worded questions, misspelled words… respondents are quick to exit for any reason, no matter how small.

10 things that can go wrong with your dissertation survey

What happens if you don’t get enough responses?

Receiving too little data compromises your data analysis plans. You can’t robustly correlate between groups, for example, if you only have a few observations in each group. Statistical analysis can be a powerful tool, but it depends completely on the quantity—and the quality—of your data. Collecting too few data points means your nifty statistical tools won’t work reliably. You’ll have to report in your dissertation why you conducted an ANOVA analysis with only 13 observations. It happens—ugh, so embarrassing. How could you trust any conclusions that emerged from such a paltry sample? You might as well just make it all up. Wait, no, I did not just recommend you cheat. See my rant on cheating.

The main problem with low response rates is that the people who are willing to fill out surveys are often very different from those who are unwilling. The differences between the two groups may include differences in demographic characteristics, as well as personality, attitude, motivations, and preferences. If you base your conclusions on the responses of those who were willing to fill out your survey, and don’t somehow account for the differences compared to those who were unwilling, then your conclusions may be totally off target. This is because your tiny (willing) sample was not representative of the larger (mostly unwilling) population from which it was drawn.

Simply put, bogus data lead to weak analyses, which lead to invalid conclusions.

What can you do to get people to respond?

If you are working on your proposal, it’s really good you are reading this now, because you can plan for the worst. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Take these steps to mitigate problems before they happen.

If you are fielding your survey and you find your survey is not generating the response rates you need, you may need to take some steps to get more data. You may need to do one or all of the following:

  • Make sure you have time. It takes time to field a survey and analyze data. If you are running out of time in your program, pare down your study to the essentials. Use an existing (validated) question set, choose a simple statistical analysis technique that doesn’t require a gigantic sample, and make sure you have a sampling frame that is (a) accessible and (b) big enough for your analysis technique.
  • Prepare a contingency plan. You may think you have enough time, but something is likely to go wrong, because that is typical when we survey humans. Have a backup plan. What will you do if you can’t generate enough responses? Talk to your Chair and Committee members about actions you can take if recruiting or data collection go gunnysack.
  • Be ready to submit a new IRB application. The IRB application grants you approval to survey human subjects. If you need IRB approval to field your survey, keep in mind that major changes to your recruiting plan may require a second IRB application.
  • Revise your survey questions. Keep questions simple, one idea per question. Test the questions in a pilot study (or use expert reviewers) and revise the questions that people don’t understand. Use the least number of questions possible and put the demographic questions at the end of the survey. Don’t ask for private information (income, race/ethnicity, etc.) if you don’t need the data.
  • Broaden your sampling frame. You might prefer to talk to critical care nurses who worked in a hospital ER within the past year, but you might generate more responses if you opened up your sampling frame to critical care nurses who have ever worked in a hospital ER. Be clear about how many potential respondents exist in your target population and then realistically predict what percentage you can conceivably access. From that sampling frame, select as broad a sample as possible. Some populations are easier to reach than other populations. If you are using statistical methods that require a probability sample, you may need a rather large sampling frame so you can choose every nth member until you reach your desired sample size.
  • Reach out to gatekeepers with access to populations that qualify for your study. Recruiting a robust sample is often the most difficult part of the entire dissertation study. Don’t rely on your respondents to forward the survey link to their colleagues (the snowball method). Instead, contact someone who has access to a large list of email addresses, who can forward your survey link to members. You could consider renting a mailing list from an organization or association. Wherever your sample target population congregates, that is where your survey link needs to be visible. Be ready to keep your survey open for at least a month. Publicize it multiple times. Be a pest. Your Ph.D. depends on it. Within the bounds of ethics, be relentless.
  • Offer an incentive to participate. Motivating people to participate in your study may turn you into the worst type of academic—the “used-car” scholar: Please, please, please, take my survey, you can win a free iPad! Incentives can sometimes motivate potential respondents to click, but think it through carefully before you promise something to everyone who participates, especially if you promised them you wouldn’t collect any personal information and then close with, “To enter the iPad drawing, enter your name and email address here.”

There are few things more discouraging for a dissertator than waiting day after day for the survey data to trickle in. Receiving no responses from your survey is by far the worst thing that can go wrong with your dissertation survey. Now you know a few approaches to help mitigate the problem if this happens to you. In a future post, I’ll discuss what else can go wrong with a dissertation survey.

If you want more tips and suggestions, take a look at my book 28 ½ Reasons Why You Can’t Get Your Dissertation Proposal Approved.

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